Gattemare pond

The geographical zone, the whole of the Gattemare pond as well as the village of La Hougue. The western section of the pond is a very wet zone.

General description of Gattemare pond – 2010 (Source : IGN), Conception : Conservatoire du littoral 2013

At the level of the dune cordon that separates the pond from the sea, we can see that this seems to have spread since 1947 (it is very difficult to see its limit on the 1920 photo). The traced limit is approximately that of the limit of the vegetation. The tendency seems to be that it is spreading but seasonal differences in the dune vegetation (it can spread or shrink up to 5 metres according to the season) do not allow us to be categorical.


The spread of the dune cordon – 1947-2010 (Source : IGN), Conception : Conservatoire du littoral 2013

The progression does seem, however, to be regular since this date.

Diachronic evolution of the dune cordon, from 1947 to 2010 (Source : IGN), Conception : Conservatoire du littoral 2013
